
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

There's a foul smell in the air!

Oh six weeks how you're just flown by! I start my OB rotation at UNMH (university of new mexico hospital) which means that I successfully completed my med-surg rotation and passed!! :) There's a lot to be said for that...hahaha...actually my med-surg rotation was simply amazing! I wouldn't trade that experience for anything! Also with the switch of clinical rotations comes the mid-term! *DUN, DUN, DUN* For those of you who are wondering what one's house would start to look like when it comes time to study for an exam, please allow me to show looks a little something like this...


My family was out of town over the weekend and so what did I do, well I cleaned off the kitchen table and claimed it as my own! That's right...this table won't be seeing a family dinner until after my exam has been completed!!!!

Everyone is nervous about this exam because one of our lecture instructors is new to our nursing progra, and the material he covered isn't going to be on our exam. He was supposed to cover our urinary disorders and all that he covered was the urinary system structures (which, if there was anyone that didn't know what the urinary system contains shouldn't even be in level 3) and UTIs (which again, if no one knows how to handle UTIs they should go back to level 1)!!! So we were all responsible for taking our learning into our own hands, so we shall see how that goes tomorrow! My motto for the urinary system is, "If there's a foul smell in the air, you probably have a problem down there!" hahaha...

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