
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Can't wait...

I do believe these have been the longest 2 weeks ever! However, I've learned some very important things: 1) Remember to love your little brother even when he locks the keys in your car with the car running and leaves the car unattended! 2) I learned where my spare tire is! Hey, you never learn anything if you always get it right. 3) Never hesitate to teach the difference between knowledge and wisdom: When turning onto a one-way street my sister asked me why I looked both ways...I told her that knowledge is realizing that the street is one-way, wisdom is looking both directions anyway!

Another crazy thing that happened this past week is I took my baby sister (she's 15) to the community college to show her around campus because she's starting her first semester of college. She's a sophomore in high school and doing dual enrollment this semester! I told her that there's not much I can do to calm her nerves and prepare her for the college life. But one thing I wish someone would've done with me when I started my dual enrollment at 16 yrs old was walk me around campus to get me familiar with the territory so it's not as intimidating on the first day! So that's exactly what I did. It's not much but it always helps to know where you're going and not have to worry about that as much on the first day of class!

With my time off I had time to reflect on my outlook of some cool situations (nursing school) and not so cool situations (parent's divorce) and some mediocre situations (flat tire). I had a bit of an "aha" moment...and I'd like to get serious for a moment!

 I've always had a struggle with my attitude...I know that blows the socks off your feet because I'm the sweetest person in the entire world right?! :) Well...most of the time. But especially this semester it was hard to keep a good attitude about my clinical situation...I mean really...only 5 days in clinicals and the rest in a clinical simulation?! But I realized that on the days that I went into my clinical simulations with a good attitude how much better it all seemed to be! Attitude is way more important than challenges that come our way because our attitude is what will determine the outcome of the situation...we can choose to be victims of our circumstances or we can choose (one day at a time) to overcome our hardships with a good (or at least better) attitude. It's amazing how having a crappy attitude can ruin a friendship, date, household or family. But if we make a daily choice to have a better attitude..well...I think we'd all be surprised with how much better our days would be! (Anyways...enough of the serious talk!)

I start up level 2 in 3 more days...I'm super excited to be back in class and with my friends again! This semester will focus on Med-Surg and Psychosocial and Behavioral needs of patients! So it should certainly be an intense semester to say the least. I have heard that level 2 is harder than level 1 which means there won't be any room for slacking...but I think I'm up to the challenge! I can't wait to get started!!!

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