Well, Exam one is done. That's all I have to say! You know, it's level four and we should have a handle on the dang exams right? Somehow I studied for a harder test though and managed to study the impertinent material. Ugh. However, I'm not the only one that got bit by the testing bug, so I'm not too discouraged!!
Well, I wasn't too discouraged until I got into the classroom today where we have our simulation week clinicals. One of the first things our teacher says is, "So you guys are going to take an exam, don't worry...it's just an exam!" (as if her smile and statement "don't worry" would really calm us down and make it that much easier) Nursing students + post-exam + no coffee + unannounced exam = lots of fun...NOT! We all sighed, moaned, (some cried), or stormed out of the room, and others (like me) just laughed. Just when you think you've got a handle on it...things like that happen and if you don't laugh it seriously eats you alive!
So we made it through our exam (which wasn't even for a grade) and actually learned a few things from it...and then it was time for starting IV's. Fortunately but also unfortunately we're not able to practice on one another and only get crappy mannequin arms that seem to have shark skin to penetrate! I was really looking forward to this lab though, I was excited and confident in my ability...well...so I thought! Allow me to set the scene:
We're in a small classroom (with 6 patient beds) and there are about 16 of us in the room.. 2 of the mannequins aren't IV accessible so there were about 3-4 people per bed. Now, this building has been under construction the entire time that my class has been in nursing school...unfortunately for us we also seem to get the crap side-effects of the construction (hammer-jacking, fires, no available restrooms, no air conditioning). Today we didn't have any air conditioning. So we're in a little room (with no ventilation or air conditioning) and students all over the place are nervous so the room just continues to get more and more humid and muggy. Okay...so there's the scene.
We were paired up with students that had already put in IV's and they were to "teach us" about techniques for starting IVs, accessing veins, what-have-you! I somehow managed to miss that part of the conversation. I was gathering my equipment and when I went over my fellow classmate was already starting to insert the IV. He did a pretty good job, you know, it took a little maneuvering of the needle, but he got the flashback, advanced the needle, and had a patent line! So, then another guy (who has had practice with IVs) inserted the IV without a problem!
Now it was my turn! Honestly I wasn't nervous going into it...I mean it's a mannequin and they're quite acquainted with us nursing students and tolerate being poked quite well! ;) So I gather my equipment and the moment I take the cap off of my needle bullet drops of sweat start dropping off of my face! But I go for my stick..nothing. I maneuver the needle around trying to get into the vein and I can't make it happen. I pull back and go at a deeper angle, nothing...(I'm right over the vein mind you so I can't imagine what the problem is) I try and go in at a more superficial angle and still nothing. So I decide to pull out and try a different vein! Dang it. I was so frustrated...and my shirt collar was soaked in sweat by now. So as I'm getting ready to go in for my second poke I have an audience and my instructor by my side. I'm now nervous and slightly irritable but determined to get a successful poke! So I prepare myself again and find a different vein and go for the kill. I'm right over the vein, it felt like I went in and...nothing. No flashback. So again I try to manipulate the needle to get it into the vein...nothing! So my instructor steps in and decides to try and help me out..she tries and tries and doesn't have any success. I pull out again.
I decide to take a break at let someone else give it a go. So another guy gives a a whirl and...success. Immediately, first stick, he gets it in and has an immediate flashback, advances the catheter, and has a patent line! Now I'm just furious! Thankfully by the time I get to try again my crowd has dispersed among other happening around the room so it's just me and my instructor! By now I'm determined to have a successful stick! I will not be told no! I can just imagine these veins getting a kick out of all of my attempts that have just been in vein...hahaha...get it? Vein!?! They're sticking out at you, yelling at you to poke them, daring you to stick a needle in them, and then what do they do??? They make a fool out of me! But I was not to be made a fool of any longer. My nursing instructor was by my side and I grabbed that 18 gauge and went straight for the AC (
antecubital )...What do you know? I got a handy little flashback! Ugh. I guess the third time is a charm! I'm hoping that my simulation experience is not any indication of how it will go in actual clinicals. Now I'm realistic about the fact that I will blow a vein on an actual patient, I'm going to make them bleed all over the place..but gosh darn it I'm going to get that catheter into the vein! So, I have one more day in our simulation lab and then it's back to the real world..and I'm ready to tackle some veins! So until then...
Just had to mop up my sweat from reading that, Maggie!! You'll get it!